Open House 2013 #Parents #treelineps

Come and gone is another Open House @treelinePDSB!  It is a long day but well worth the opportunity to meet parents of those students I will teach throughout the year to come.  Of course, there are the usual drop-ins (former students, those who loved to roam the hallways of their elementary school to gather that sense of nostalgia or feeling of I’m all grown up now).  Beyond meeting parents and updating students progress after the first few weeks of school, Open House is a chance for staff to share details about the upcoming school year, promote trips,  and answer questions parents have about the unknown when their child response with a “Nothing much” after there parents asks over dinner “So, what did you learn/do at school today?”  Other parents, come inquiring about the usual, how is my child behaving?  The honest answer after approximately 4 weeks for most parents is, “They are doing well, no difficulty so far.”

The fact is we are just breaching the end of the “Honeymoon” period.  Those students who might stray from meeting and achieving the expectations of their teachers are still trying to show off their better side, that which is present when they are not “distracted”, “bored” or falling into “old habits (procrastination, avoidance, etc.)”.   There might be a few students we have concerns about but it is likely that contact has already been made with someone at home who is responsible for overseeing the child, so that the child themselves sees that both their parent and their teacher are working together as a team to ensure a successful school year.

**To the students who might read this, your parent and I are not out to get you but rather there to help and encourage, to ensure that you are successful.  I will do whatever it takes during the hours of school to guide you in the right direction, while parent(s) must continue the guidance from the time you leave school each day until your return the next morning.  And in there is the time where you must display responsibility to ensure that you are successful.

To the parents who left work early, took time off work, skipped some event, squeezed in a visit. Thank you for supporting your child’s learning.  To the parents who were unable to attend, a call, note, message through our #Edmodo can provide you the chance to ask questions about the rest of the year and your child.

To another successful year!

Posted on September 27, 2013, in Home and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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