It’s “Mo”Time…

For the last few years since I realized  that I was able to grow facial hair, I considered participating in Movember but there was always an excuse why I couldn’t participate.  Well this year is different, at school I have challenged my students to learn about those things that interest them most in a project called #genius where students are doing everything from testing the aerodynamics of pop bottle rockets to creating and marketing their own candy.  I thought amongst many others ideas that my pet project would be my moustache and the I would work towards fundraising for men’s health by participating in Movember for my very first time and why not support the cause.

The statistics say,

•    1 in 7 men will develop prostate cancer during his lifetime and 1 in 28 will die of it.
•    A man dies from prostate cancer every 22 minutes.
•    In 2013, 23,600 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed and 3,900 men will die of prostate cancer.
•    Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men.
•    The incidence rates are nearly double in African Canadian men.
•    If detected and treated early, there is a 95 percent survival rate associated with prostate cancer.

So the journey begins,

Day one was easy, I can shave, I’ve done it before many of times. My wedding, family photos, when I wake up and feel like I have the energy too.  The result was a baby soft face that I had not seen in more than a year.

Baby face

Day two, three, four and five have past.  Have not had the urge to shave yet.  The itching they say sets in during the first few days, not even a challenge.  I mean, I typically shave once or twice a week, I am use to the two or three days on initial growth.

Day six on, what will become of my moustache?  So far I’ve got a light fuzz, what for years I expected to be the maximum of my abilities to grow facial hair.  I however, have come to realize that I am capable of much more.

Support ‘Mo’cause… @

Style, yet to be determine, what do you think?

Posted on November 5, 2013, in Home and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. As your wife, and person who has to see you daily I think I should get multiple votes or final say on the outcome of this poll!


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Peel21st Project 188

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